Our Expertise
Our staff consists of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT). Our staff are trained in the latest Applied Behavior Analysis techniques, maintain their professional certifications, and complete regular training.
1:1 Clinic Based ABA Program
Who: Children aged 2-6 years on the Autism Spectrum
Our Expertise: We offer 1:1 ABA and Verbal Behavior programming for autistic children between the ages of 2-10 years. Our program emphasizes building language, communication, independence, and social skills in addition to behavior reduction, teaching of replacement behaviors, and preparing individuals to transition to and adjust to Kindergarten and school settings.
Program components include natural environment teaching, discrete trial training and generalization/maintenance strategies. Our clinic setting offers the unique opportunity for social and peer interaction including group activities and reciprocal play. Every client’s program is individualized to meet their unique developmental needs.
Individuals are assessed using an assessment suited to their treatment needs and could include the VB-MAPP, Social Skills Solutions, Socially Savvy, Essentials for Living, PDDBI and/or EASIC in order to guide treatment.
Intensity: 6-30 hours per week of 1:1 BHT-ABA service in the clinic setting.
Hours of service: 8:00am-3:00pm Monday thru Friday with a maximum of 6 hours per day

Parent and Caregiver Training
Who: Parent and caregivers
Our Expertise: Training is a part of our Comprehensive ABA programs. Training emphasizes skills development and support so that caregivers become competent in implementing treatment protocols across critical environments. Training focuses on the following: Generalization of skills acquired in treatment settings into home and community settings, behavior reduction and establishment of replacement behaviors effective, adaptive, and appropriate, adaptive skills training, contingency management for restrictive and repetitive behaviors and/or relationships with family members.
Intensity: 1 hour per month.
In addition to parent training, our providers offer up to 2 hours of in-home, community or school BCBA consultation a month.
All caregivers have access to daily session notes, data and targets via an online platform. Videos of program implementation are available as well upon request.
BCBA Candidate Supervision
Who: BCBA candidates
Our Expertise: We offer BCBA candidate supervision to employees of ABAS looking to obtain the required hours of supervision as part of the BACB requirements. Supervision that is provided is ethical, supportive, systematic and data driven.
Supervision includes an initial assessment of familiarity, understanding and the ability to apply concepts and principles from the BACB task list.
Development of supervision is based on each student’s assessment and areas of interest. ABAS has developed a curriculum that we believe provides BCBA candidates with valuable experiences and opportunities.
Quarterly assessments are completed on the candidate and monthly progress of hours is monitored to make sure the candidate is making progress and gaining the experience to become a well-rounded future BCBA.