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FAQ's About ABA Therapy &
Allegheny Behavior Analysis Services

  • What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
    Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA is short for a scientific, data driven and validated approach to understanding behavior and how it is affected by the environment. ABA adheres to seven main dimensions. In other words, skills or behaviors that are addressed with ABA are in best practice when they follow the dimensions listed below: Effective-Skills are monitored. Applied-interventions focus on behaviors that are socially significant. Analytic-decisions or changes that are made are data driven. Conceptually Systematic-interventions are systematic and derived from the literature. Technological-procedures that are created are described very clearly so that others may be able to apply them. Behavior-only observable and measurable behaviors are targeted. Generalization-Skills or behaviors that are taught will transfer to other people, settings or materials other than those they were specifically taught with
  • What is Verbal Behavior?
    Verbal Behavior or VB is short for the analysis of why or the reason a child is communicating. Examples may include labeling, requesting and/or the ability to respond to others directions. A repertoire of the above communication skills makes for an effective communicator. Verbal Behavior is not limited to vocal communication but may also include sign language, gestures, the exchange of pictures or vocal output devices.
  • How can an ABA/VB program help my child?
    An ABA/VB program that is developed to address a child's individual communication, social and behavioral needs can dramatically improve the quality of life and outcomes of a child with a disability. The United States Surgeon General (1999) concluded, "Thirty years of research demonstrated the efficacy of applied behavioral methods in reducing inappropriate behavior and in increasing communication, learning and appropriate social behavior."
  • What is a BCBA/RBT?
    Registered Behavior Technician® (RBT®) A paraprofessional who practices under the close, ongoing supervision of a BCBA. An RBT must complete 40 hours of ABA training, pass a competency assessment and a written exam. Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (BCBA®) A graduate-level certification in behavior analysis. A BCBA must complete a 7 course sequence of classes in ABA, a 2000 hour practicum under the supervision of a current certified behavior analyst and pass a written exam. More information can be found at
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